
Friday, September 23, 2011

What’s your story? Tell Congress the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau needs a director now!

As a consumer advocate, I am moved most, not by the data and research demonstrating the need for stronger consumer protection and financial reform, but by personal stories shared by consumers – both in their ability to help advance an important policy issue and reaffirm the human spirit.  Moving from the technicality and policy relevancy of an issue, stories move us, stir our hearts and remind us of our connection to each other. Personal stories are not only records of change but also act as agents of change.
By being exposed to others’ stories and personal experiences, consumers gain valuable insight into the specific ways others have attempted to achieve social change; advocates gain the confidence necessary to help their clients make change; public officials and policy makers gain the courage to make laws that protect and preserve consumers rights. Stories also demystify and make accessible the public policy making process.

Your story needs to be told!  In 2010 Congress took a bold and courageous move and passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which created a new consumer cop on the beat, in the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau! Over the last few months, Republican leaders in the Senate have pledged to refuse to implement this law passed in 2010 by refusing to consider Richard Cordray’s nomination to direct the CFPB, leaving the Bureau without the full authority it needs to do its job. 

Call your senator let them know that this may work well for Wall Street banks, and financial industry special interests, but it doesn’t work for you!  

Written by Delicia Reynolds, Legislative Director, National Association of Consumer Advocates

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